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Blasphemy as a blessing

Long ages were drained,
The Cryst never came,
Belief ends through darkness and blame.

Forgotten remains,
Dead Orthodox saints
Shat witness enthroning of him

No longer the lie
Shalt veil the divine.
I hear those poor souls plea and cry.

My chains now are gone!
Demise, Holy God!

The Crimson Curse

Finding souls to feed,
She was a breed
Of eternal Dark.

She befriended ghosts
Of her castle's corridors,
Seeking second death

To appease at last...

The sight of the moon...
Red fangs glimpsed in gloom...
The true nature,
Pure reflection of
Unholiest Vampirism.

Vulturic undead,
Unwillingly enslaved
By this Crimson Curse.

Once beloved by fate,
Her spirit had no hate
Life was bright and clear.

But the light is lost...

As lost as the fog,
Surrounding the graves
Of those whose destiny fetters were
Wiped by her bloody bites...

Angel of Decease (The Mortifier)

As I wake up from voices,
Dusk swathes the night.
They caress me, sweet noises
With cold eerie sight.

Blackness calls me, malefic,
And I do not fear.
Cultal robes of poetic.
Thy spirit is near...

As it comes through dark forest,
As shows me the lead,
I gain waves of the strongest,
No falling to feet

Before her...
The Angel of Decease...

She's a ghost, neither dead,
Nor her body holds life.
I beloved her to spread
Cruel discord, deadly scythe.

Breaking love of my soul,
I let joy die in me
Now, belong to a role
Of nocturnal supreme.

Sweetest dreams buried deep
Under endless black filth
Made me once turn asleep
She shall grant me this peace.

Her will bears Death, eternal...
My mortifier... Angel of Decease.

Litany Of The Weak

Small souls are still confused
With pitiful presence of The Lord.
They beg him for a save.
Pleasures of heaven are to crave.

Pathetic words: "God", "bless"
Are heard through fear of borderless
Damnation. Useless length
Of chapel singings, lost is Strength.

Who once sought sacred love
Became a weakened slave.
But those, who crushed the veil of God
Don't need that worthless save.
And when they point, maliciously
At path, where many "sinners" fell,
I know the truth. He, anxiously
Awaits me in his flame-paved Hell.
But Martyrdom for us - is lie.
The one who is to suffer - Christ.
Souls slain in vain by High divine
Will hail God's killer, joining feast.

Thou, oh Great Satan, here me!
Humiliating you - is death,
For Cross deserves thy darkest wrath,
For thy reflection - deadly swathe,
Destroying God forever...

The Vampire Order

Honored members of Undead.
Lords of darkness widely spread
'Mong great Earth times longly drained.
Distant centuries of reign.
Death - their Mistress grants this sell.
Heaven's lost, so lost is Hell.

When the sun forsakes it's rite
To rise bright, dispersing light,
Those in pain wake up. Black night.
Seeking blood to feed their bodies,
Fighting brave for sip of life,
Making poor prey scream and writhe
Of sucking pain, observing Scythe
In it's hungry slayer's face.
When the crave is satisfied,
Bluest eyes deep mesmerized,
Ill Omen's presence demised,
Foe of light - Vampire Might.

But non-dark still make their trials
For avoiding being killed.
Cold, consuming fear at miles
Of Vamp graveyards coffin-filled
Forces them to lace all tombs
With steel seals, so flung is doom.
For allowing fathers' rises
May cause mass eternal gloom.
Be afraid of those in graves,
For one night may bear one lifeless.
Using silver, crosses, stakes
Shalt one day become too hopeless.

Sweetly using slightest grace,
Feudal Aristocratic,
Through Eternal times they face
Pain of Ages, Immortal static.
For one's death is just a dream
If the one is dead already.
Rites of human love are dimmed.
Plague of years don't fright Vamp ladies.
And forever they shalt BE.
End of seeking peace - is Never.
Mortals' fear makes blind to see...
Vampire Order - Reign Forever!!!

Cold Mistery Of Death

The moon shines blue. Trees rustle, light wind
Moves last of their leaves, as always in this world.
My thoughts are still deep, for dying I am.
Cold marble floor brings beloved patience to me.
I see stains of blood shed right from my veins,
Eyes covered with Darkness, foul Sorrow bears pain.
No fear frightens me. I sense - End is near.
The End of this life I once crave to embrace.

And what have I lived for? The reason is lost...
What if the only thing matters - the Cost?
What if the purpose is always the same?
To serve the Lord, praying, accepting his blame...
Or shall my soul greet the Necropolis Kingdom,
And afterlife shall be eternal for me,
With dogmahs erased, false God-saving dispeled.
Another realm I doubt is flame-paved Hell.

But still I see blood... I'm eager to die,
Standing ready to face what world fetters may hide.
Thoughts desire their answer, for ages of lores
Failed to open the Truth, Death is veiled for us all.
I do not feel my body, I hear steps of Death,
Steps that sync with last beats of my demising heart,
And I know - I Am Strong. I fought fear all life long...
Leaving all in this world, "Peace" - my Last Spoken Word.

Flowers Stained With Blood

These flowers stained with blood.
This darkened grace of beauty.
With eyes deep blind from cruelty
She sevred me by her gaze.
Invoking end of days...

I still recall your love,
Black hair dispersing fragrance.
That wild lust which drove
My craving body to insane.
I drained you, my sweet darling
By tasting your pale skin,
I fed upon thin carcass
To free the beast within.
And seing precious eyes,
Last time I sense your coldness.
Your Death shall bear no cries.
Now Die, my girl... Die, Darling...

I saw malefic poison
Enswathing silky stance.
Arm threw a fresh white posy
Of flowers stained with blood...

Her Innocent, Beautiful Dead Body

Swathed in dead whispers of soft fog
She lied on the ground in peace.
Of mortified and lifeless poisoned bog.
Here vengeful ghosts are doomed to cease.

Pale light of cloudy sky illumined her
Cold carcass covered with white gown,
And vivacity devoured by frozen death for
Scarlet of her wound stopped streaming down.

Slain by a sword she was lying dead,
She saved flawless youth, devoid of crack.
Stripes of parched blood were sweetly spread
Among her charming face and blameless neck.

Gaze of despair caught by innocent eyes,
Eyes that, frightened, failed to hold the sway.
So she tasted piercing pain, making warmth demise.
For avoiding evil life was paid...

Pray, Mortal!

Pray, Mortal! Pray!
Till the Death of your days!
Lo, for withered are rays
Sending light to your hope!
Ever obey
Crushing surges of flame!
Strength and Will never claim!
You, enchained, blinded mind...
Should you be saved?
Through your weakness to crave
For becoming a slave?
Everything give to God?
Bowed to his name,
Glancing at worthless frame,
Will you carry hard blame?
Fold to pitiful role?
For once, you gave it all
There is nothing to gain...


(Historical Poem)

Once a wish of revelation
Drove the Men spurring their minds.
Whilst a plague of honored nations
Fed upon the weak and blinded,
Growing with their frenzy acts,
Desolating Will and Power,
Cowardly concealing facts
To break and devour another
Lost, unspoiled lonely soul.
As for that they build their thole
Gilded with false lace of gold.
Pay a fare - thy heart now sold.
And what seems a cure of Mankind-
Ubiquitous Church's face
Is an unseen dreadful sickness.
Wide is might of wielded mace
Devastating from inside...

Crimson clouds descendeth from the sky.
Robed in tongues of sacred flame he writhes
Glancing up, invoking sip of will,
Calling strength above the brushwood hill.
Is he first or last to taste such death?..
Element enslaved by priest’s own wrath
Who scorned Truth whatever it might cost,
Yelling curses to his pan with host.

Shade of Evil ruled for many years
Over honored lands, enhanced by fears,
Using tears of women as their tool.
Throne ensnared by blinded Papal fool.
Raised disdain is turned to persecute
Those, who lean to lie, breaking fair mute.
Words of pain shalt built volumes of hate
Drenched with blood, screams, torments, frightful fates.

Many listened for the Perfects' word,
As Church dwindled, called for brutal swords.
Changed was Mercy into slaying lives.
Pure thoughts soiled by unholy crimes.
Their last fortress stood for striking year.
Flame made punished spirits truly cleared.
Cathar Sect destroyed, leading to rise
Worst of Madness - Inquisition times.

Once there lived an Order for the Lord.
Formed by knights, protecting Sacred Road.
Other thousand fell by paws of faith.
False catharsis under Holy Wraith.
Malediction to thirteen descends
Darkened tribes of great vicious regents.
Oath and Greed have blinded Men again.
Perfect vow turned outrage under pain.

Careful search of meaningless hell-bounds.
Death to "witch", no mater what he founds.
Element of Water then of Flame
Bow to judgment, unforgiving blame.
Ever cursed be the Catholic Church
For it's deeds, thousands of bodies scorched!
Thousands hanged, racked, tortured and then killed!
Never shalt you lose Eternal Guilt!

Robed in tongues of sacred flame he writhes.
Vast is mantle of the blood-paved skies.
What is Calvary of only one
Before dread deaths - millions were undone?
Fire burns his screams, immersed in flesh.
clergy speaks of sacred soul's refresh.
Searing pain has almost reached it's peak.
Peace, friend. You are Strength as they were weak!..

But his afterlife revenge
Shalt be born from strongest rage.
Rage - is flame bestowed upon them
During execution ages!
The Heretic!

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